
An oteopathic medical student with a few things to say between exams.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

As I look out onto the beautiful Michigan morning, I am pensive and strangely content. I am motivated to reflect by my choice of music this morning. Radiohead's Pablo Honey is truly a classic among classics. And, how can anyone listen to lines like "And the feeling is that there is something wrong, cause I can't find the words and I can't find the song/ stop whispering, stop shouting." and not be thrown into contemplation? Ill tell you that it takes a special person. It seems strange, sappy, even a little pathetic that quasi-pop music should stir my emotions and elicit some of my most meaningful thought. I must admit that I have been and continue to be powerfully affected by much less worthy artists than radiohead. Jimmy Eat World is certianly one. I had an epiphany of sorts while running along the rive and listening to JEW. I suppose it could be worse. At least I recognize that there are implications of this affect. And I am willing to confront and accept any impending consequences.

Monday, September 22, 2003

All is well that ends well. I don't know if anything has ended well or not though. Well as John Wang says, to prevent heart attacks "Go get drunk, get into bar fights and BLEED alot!"roopbeer.home

Saturday, September 20, 2003

All is not lost! Here I sit ticking tiny words onto this virtual field of white. I should be studying about the wonders of the human body and be learning how to heal the afflicted. This med school thing is more difficult than I thought it would be. However, it is also more rewarding. I will acquire all the scientific knowledge that I need to provide quality care to the healty and ailing alike. But, will I retain my humanity through the process? Can I focus on the microcosm of each cell and infer causes of disease without dismissing the soul (and their love, hate, fear, pain, joy, discomfort, apathy, malcontent, passion) before me. If I cannot then this is a futile endeavor. It's time to rejoice in life and to get down to the business of maintaining it.

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